When it comes to models and methods it can be seen that those that conform to natural norms are easier to relate to e.g. in the Western hemisphere we fairly consistently read, write and depict process flows in a ‘left to right manner’ (L2R). In fact, generally speaking, we only use alternative representations if we want to depict something that is travelling or looking backwards.
This is the main reason why benefitsdrivenchange.com conforms to the left to right norm. All of its objective and development flows are evolutionary ‘Left to Right’ representations. This does not of course mean that other representations are wrong; it just means that they are different.
Left to Right (L2R) advantages:
- the most left hand element within a L2R flow represent the vision and strategic objectives of the organisation which means that all stakeholders can immediately assimilate to the rationale for the changes in which they are engaged
- the L2R representation infers that all things that emanate from the Left (from which ever point you are at within a flow) are in the higher order interests of the organisation
- the rigour behind the benefits management approach means that everything emanating from the left has been validated and both accountability and ownership for its function and management has been allocated
- where occurrences of ‘unconnected’ downstream elements occur they ‘must’ be connected and reconciled with the L2R flow
- where mandated solutions are to be implemented effort must be expended to ‘connect’ them within a L2R flow
- although focussed on the ultimate realisation of change benefits at each stage of the evolutionary flow attention is given to the identification and reconciliation of the disbenefits associated with an upstream objective or benefit. Disbenefits are best managed at the point they are identified within the evolutionary flow. Late identification of disbenefits can result in considerable rework and otherwise unnecessary disruption
Note: although the process described above is referred to as an evolutionary flow, in the main this representation is used to model transformational or discontinuous change.
Hi Neil. Good start as I found your site through Google search. Be careful with the typo gremlins.